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Bringing You The News Behind The Government’s Facade and Reminding Freedom Lovers of their God-given inalienable rights and how to use them!
Before STOLUS takes his fourth nap of the morning or the mockingbird mainstream media owned by six of the elite families even think of coming out with their 4 am propaganda talking points… real Patriots have woken up to question the narrative, conduct the research, and can show the proof.
Listen to interviews from a Patriots Perspective – where real people ask the forbidden questions and keep Jenn Saki circling all the way back to playing Mark Zuck the buck.
While the Communist News Network anchors are kicked back in their posh studios letting elites like Bill Gates hide behind the masks of philanthropy, goodwill, equity, and equality, Patriots Perspective gives a voice to censored scientists, doctors blowing the whistle, and attorneys know law and order.
Folks, it’s time to take off the blinders and help others do the same. We’re making it easy for you to find the truth and show your family and friends the evidence.
There’s nothing equal about the same wealthy white men in the world spoon-feeding your family propaganda just because they fund the technological Townsquare and the mockingbird media and the World Health Organization and Dr. Fraudci’s NIH, all while they conveniently applied for bodily cryptocurrency patents years ago!
We’re here to show you exactly why the Khazarian mafia needs Vegas strippers posing as “fact-checkers” to censor free speech!
Get ready! Buckle up! Get out your notepad and listen with a clear mind. Learn the truth about our history and beware of Chrislam.
Come down the DUMBS, over the border to forbidden Antarctica to Epstein Island via Lolita Express!
Yep! We’re going all the way around the world to expose ALL the News behind the Facade with the patriots that have been there and done that and have the documents and God-given testimony to prove it!
Welcome to the News Behind the Facade.
Welcome to Patriots Perspective.
WARNING: some of the conversations in this show may resemble Hollywood movies, Tell-Lie-Vision shows, or counter the Communist News Network.
Now, hit that like button and leave a comment below telling us where you are in the world!
Here’s your freedom-fighting host – Christi Tasker!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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