How To Avoid the Coronavirus Vaccine & Conversations To Have At Work & School
Get Your Free Vaccine Exemption Certificate – Have It Notarized & Avoid Vaccinations in 47 States
This is an opinion from a mother, glamma gaga, Nanyang, and Godmother. I am not a doctor,
nurse, or medical provider. I am just giving you my opinion and solutions to help you research to avoid any harmful
health crisis for your family. I believe we should all have options, and just because the radical left would like to
depopulate, I will not be a part of it.
How can I avoid coronavirus vaccine to go to work?
The United States has the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to protect citizens against tyrannic
healthcare issues. There are ways around being forced to take vaccinations to go to work or school.
GREAT NEWS: The Pandemic
Preparedness in the Workplace and the American With Disabilities Act is in play!
Considering the number of recommended vaccinations has risen by more than 50% in short timespans – it’s more
important than ever to take control of your own health and
be informed about what ingredients make up the coronavirus vaccines and other vaccines.
Additionally, rumor has it that the vaccines have not been properly tested and are in trial mode. I’ve even heard
stories about insurance companies not paying out on policies because the insurance company states that the covid vaccine
is a trial drug.
How to Avoid Coronavirus Vaccine For Employers or School
All you have to do to avoid taking the vaccinations is have an exemption certificate notarized. Yes, it’s really that
simple. Here are your free work vaccination exemption certificate and your free school vaccination certificate for your
Work Vaccination Exemption Certificate for Adults
School Vaccination Certificates for Child
Free Vaccination Sample Letter PDF or
Copy & Paste
How To Research Vaccines and See The Truth For Yourself
We are in the process of adding as much information and research to Patriots Perspective daily. As a matter of fact, I
find myself writing articles like this in between other normal work so that people like you can be informed. I realize
the mainstream media has let us all down with untruths, and they fail to research or redact comments when they are
wrong. It’s tough to spend so much time researching on your own. When you do research…
It’s most important that you’re completely researching via Duck Duck Go on the stories and possibilities for how
vaccines could affect your children. Google and other big tech are suppressing information. So much so that the
government watchdog group Judicial
Watch sued the CDC over their communications with the BIG TECH execs at Facebook, Instagram(owned by Facebook),
Twitter, and YouTube (owned by Google), and even Linkedin (owned by Microsoft).
Stories I’ve heard about harmful vaccines & why I’m writing this quickly…
I’ve heard several stories investigating vaccinations developed that were known to cause autism, especially in young
black males. It’s a sad truth, but we have proof presented by a Florida Representative that Vaccines Caused Autism in
Young Black Males.
Needless to say, if I had school children, I would not consider the COVID-19
vaccines, and if I knew now what I knew when my daughter was younger, I would have put these certificates to work for
Vaccination Exemption Certificate
Vaccination Exemption Certificate
Free Vaccination Sample Letter PDF or
Copy & Paste
The United States is like Baskin Robbins other than we have 52 Flavors.
States With
Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements
While each state is different, so is the legislature. Much like Election laws, vaccine laws are also made law by your
state legislatures. Here is a complete list of States With
Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements.
Hint: Guess which States don’t have a religious exemption for vaccines?
Answer: California, Mississippi, and Maine.
What can you do about Religious exemption and Avoid The Coronavirus Vaccine in your state?
Contact your state legislature whether your state is on the list or not. Your state legislatures must know that citizens
of the state are watching what they are doing and that you keep your freedoms and the people of California, Mississippi,
and Maine getting their religious freedoms back.
Next, we’re researching…
How To Avoid The Coronavirus Vaccine for Travel
I advise you do the same letter to the airline. If they respond they are only taking vaccinated passengers, ask them:
- Did
British Airways four pilots die in the same week after taking the vaccination? It’s because they’ve had
three pilots die of blood clots in the air. - Are they going to be responsible for any adverse side effects and your future health for taking a trial drug?
- Will they also provide you with a life insurance policy that covers payouts for experimental trials?
Got More That We Should Add To This Article?
Got any tips? Article links? Does anyone have a draft letter, or are you willing to write a draft letter we can share?
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