Research Medical Providers To Find Health Department Complaints
While I am only a business consultant to many small businesses and some brands that have become very well known, I can easily share how I have helped many attorneys research cases.
I pray this research will encourage a county and precinct-wide watch group to advocate for what’s truly in the “best interests of the children.” The tactics used are Natzi-style tactics used in World War II to remove children from Jewish homes. Today it’s someone else’s children. Tomorrow it could be your neighbors. Next week, they could be after your children, nieces, nephews or grandchildren. Who will stand up for you? You’ll see that red flag phrase used throughout the family court system. I want to encourage parents and grandparents to help us research each county’s contractors, businesses, and medical providers to utilize to do the state government’s unconstitutional federal government Bill Clinton Adoption and Safe Families Act dirty work.
When I heard about the Meghan Walsh case, we went to the Florida Department of Health website to research the provider Dr. Theodore Williams of Shanlis Inc. We examined his information because he is listed as an expert witness in many Termination of Parental Rights cases in Indian River and surrounding counties. Most family law attorneys do not understand business law or medical malpractice law.
1. Go to your state’s department of health website.
3. Then, open another tab and create an account on
You’ll need this account to document every page you may want to use in a court of law to; below, you’ll see screenshots that I have taken from how the site looks at the time of publishing this article.
Why is this important? Below, each screenshot I have taken can be clicked through
Why? Because once I publish an article or make the people with upcoming lawsuits hire a defense attorney. If the defendant becomes aware of the screenshots; they will simply tell their clients to change their website or make the corrections. Then, it’s too late to obtain the advertisement proof.
Who controls this website? The doctor or his company in question. So an website is critical BEFORE tipping off any defendant in a lawsuit.
4. Save every single one of your page links for your to
See exactly where to insert your links in the screenshot below and which boxes to check to save the screenshot and all links:
5. Go back to the Health Department open tab.
Enter the Business name or last name of the practitioner. In the case of Shanlis Inc, we had to search by the doctor’s last name in combination with the Board of Psychology selected in the dropdown menu, which brought us Dr. Theodore Williams Disciplinary Actions, Licensed Practicing Locations & Discipline Actions.
6. Be sure to click the tab secondary location to see if your practitioner is licensed to practice in multiple locations.
In the case of Shanlis, it’s questionable why they state they have four locations on their website. The State of Florida states there is not a secondary location found:
7. Compare the locations on the Doctor’s website.
Open a new tab. Go to the provider’s or doctor’s site to see what locations they list on their websites. In the case of Shanlis, Inc., their website publicly displays THREE locations. At the same time, their State of Florida license states the owner, Dr. Theodore Williams, is licensed to practice in one location, 2231 SW Parkplace, Park City, Florida.
Florida CPS Termination of Parental Rights Psychiatric Contractor Shanlis Inc. Was Fined by the Florida Department of HealthImportant Public Notice:...
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