Why Are Family & Children’s Services Avoiding Reuniting Families?
I was shocked to hear former Department worker Sylvia Beachy’s story, as it sounded like business tactics to “fill beds” in group homes rather than “helping children.”
Sylvia Beachy, the Founder of Rescue The Fosters, an advocacy group working between the department’s many contractors and parents, says, “As a former group home worker, I wanted a job where I thought I could help, educate and find common ground to rehabilitate children. I found myself amidst a money-hungry system where I was reprimanded when unifying families over meeting company goals to fill beds.”
Dollar signs and business contracts immediately came to mind. Especially when I heard Sylvia & Georgia group home survivor KK’s story as she aged out of the system.
“I reunified more families than the Department wanted, so I too was labeled and let go,” says Ms. Beachy. “There are goals to fill beds and keep the contractor’s numbers as if the goal is to find children vs. go on calls to help children in need.”
When I recently interviewed “KK,” a survivor of Elks Aidmore in Conyers Georgia my eyes were further opened. Sylvia was the group home worker and couldn’t bare seeing KK homeless when she aged out of the children’s group home in Conyers, Georgia.
KK reported a completely different life than most Americans think from a group home. From gang initiations to daily violence to sex trafficking rings, her life was significantly altered in the group home. Unlike most, she did not succumb to the violence because Sylvia really pulled her under her wings to protect her like a sister which made all difference.
No child should endure more trauma when citizens of each community are under the belief these homes are helping them. In actuality, many of our departments of family and Children Services do quite the opposite.
From other cases, such as the Meghan Walsh case, we are learning the goals and objective to reunify families is few and far between. As a matter of fact, it’s quite the opposite.
Why Are The Department of Family & Children’s Services So Hard To Investigate?
The Family & Children’s Departments appear to be a hidden regime of blinded shell companies covering for each other and avoiding the laws for Freedom of Information Act documents requests. FOIA requests help us discover and uncover the truth about various government agencies. When a private company receives government funds they are not required to fulfill FOIA requests.
How Is The Florida Department of Family & Children’s Services Funded?
Florida Department of Family & Children’s Services funds and outsources privately owned businesses to function and provide services that are supposed to be in the “best interest of the child.” The vast amount of parents coming forward in the State of Florida are reporting fraud, kidnapping, and human trafficking as these businesses are often invading their homes without consent as if the U.S. Constitutional does not exist.Â
How Are Service Providers Selected by Family & Children’s Services?
Watch Foster Shock Documentary To See How The Failed Florida Department of Family & Children’s Services Is Funded
Is Governor Ron DeSantis Overreaching Using Family & Children’s Services?
Recently Governor DeSantis threatened to intervene by asking the Department of Family & Children’s Services to investigate parents taking their children to drag shows. While I do not agree with taking children to drag shows, the government control is opening a can of worms for the government to further control and dissolve parental rights altogether.Â
“With no criminal background, without laying a hand on my children, they were kidnapped by CPS as they were taken without my consent on baseless allegations and my powerful father. Hardened criminals have more rights to their children than I do.
How Child Protective Services Gains From Removing Children & Delaying Reunification
Psychologists often refer to what’s happened to me as crazymaking. If you think elections are bad, you should see what’s happening to children, especially in the State of Florida,” says Meghan Walsh, daughter of former Fox Network America’s Most Wanted host John Walsh – all of which John Walsh Weaponized CPS Against His 40-Year-Old Daughter To Permanently Destroy Her Family & Remove Her Parental Rights.
” We often find that the Department contractors and their workers are like revolving doors. The left hand often doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Sometimes it’s real; other times, there is lost paperwork and missed deadlines to restart services from scratch. This is emotionally traumatic for parents, as there are now tight deadlines, policies, and procedures to adopt children very quickly. The Department contractors are often not concerned with reunification. Their ultimate goal seems to be getting kids in to fill beds. The group home placement is far worse than the conditions from which children are removed. And States are often utilizing kids for funds.”
Some of the smartest parents we’ve helped have a hard time following and understanding the constantly moving goalpost – all of this seems to be in an effort to increase services to increase their budgets.”
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