Tyler Perry Studios Is a Former U.S. Military Base Located Near Atlanta & Yes, It Has a Full Full-Scale White House Built

Tyler Perry endorses Joe Biden and says the Trump administration is the ‘worst reality show ever produced. I wonder if he still feels the same.
I don’t think we’ve heard from Tyler Perry since his brazen statements before the election. We may never know the truth. However, the folks who’ve been hoping the military would come to the rescue of our nation and put a halt to the fraudulent Presidency should realize right now that no matter what – we must get off the couch and off of the fake US currency and off the voting machines and quit being lazy! Even if the US military is “in on it” and is actively working to pull the wool over the eyes of every single American and the entire world, who’s going to take the place of the lying pedo-politicians? I think Jesus Christ and we are the plan and must rescue ourselves. The research is proven – STOLUS stole the 2020 election. He STOLE-US! Well, not him, but his Satanic cult committed brazen theft, but that was their intent. The perpetrators were not only in the Democrat National Party, but the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) was the worst. They are like sheep in wolve’s clothing. Our local governments must be cleaned up, and in many major cities and small towns, few people are willing to run for office to replace the corrupt politicians. This begs the question: Who is running the federal corporation calling itself the UNITED STATES? More importantly, WHO is in control of the armed forces and who is in control of America’s nuclear arsenal. Remember, Trump never conceded, and we were shown the football (nuclear codes) in his power when he flew to Mar a Lago while Pedo-Joe was inaugurated. For those that don’t know that Joe is a pedo – click here to read Ashley Biden’s Diary. Countries around the world, seeing this story, will now understand that the United States Armed Forces do not appear to be under the control of any civilian constituted authority. Those countries will now have to wonder if the protection they all enjoyed by having a SINGLE elected President as the sole controller of the enormous US nuclear weapons stockpile is under the command of unknown persons. No one, anywhere, is safe. This fraud must be brought to a complete stop by whatever means are necessary right now.