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I’m going to challenge you to ask the question. Why?
Why is this being censored? Why is it that I have to wear a mask in the restaurant? But then I can take it off when I’m sitting at the table, and then when you eat something, you lift your face, messing with the virus. There’s Hope; wait a second. They’re eating, you know, when they’re eating, we don’t touch them. But when they stop and put that mask on, then we can start our salt again. I mean, you know as much as I’d like to think that this is a highly sophisticated virus. That knows. Okay. You know I can’t go into churches because churches are protected, but I will go into businesses or business meetings because you know it’s I can go and then do all the damage I want. But I’m not going to go into a liquor store, and that will personally go to the liquor store. I can go into it. The virus will go into the church and cause Mayhem to that’s what people can congregate, but in their liquor, so viruses, you know, totally non-issue. Why is it that the virus is an issue for me? To get on the plane, but then, when I’m there, I can take it off, or I can lift it and drink water. Why do I have to maintain social distance six feet apart when I’m boarding the plane? But then, I’m sitting right next to the person, like, not even six inches away. Does that make any sense for the next four freaking hours? So this absurdity and top of absurdity and top of him 30. So, how long are you going to allow idiocy to continue? And when somebody tells you to wear a face mask, you need to tell her. I’m that back the hell up. If you’re stupid enough to wear a face mask, then you wear a face mask. But I am not going to partake in your idiocy just because you’re stupid; that doesn’t make it an obligation on my part to follow in your stupidity and hurt; I remember this. If you wear a face mask, you are restricting your oxygen. You are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide that you are breathing back; the face masks themselves. They’ve already done studies on the face mask, and you are breathing the Same stuff in and out. So there’s an increased amount of bacteria that accumulates from what you are breathing. The condensation from your breath is breaking down the polypropylene components of the facemask. Then you are breathing in those toxic components and creating a history of toxic hypoxic injury. You’re becoming hypoxic from just not being able to get in fresh oxygen. But then you also increase your cortisol levels, which drives you into the flight fight response, which is a sympathetic mimetic overdrive, which suppresses your immune system, and these are all common things. These are all easily proven to publish things. You’d have to be rocket science to understand is that we even have people try to challenge me on that. They got, how do you know that I’m like, seriously, you know, it’s like saying, well, if I walk out in the rain without an umbrella, you’re going to get wet or how do you know that? How can you prove that you get wet? Well, okay, if you don’t know that water on top of using to make you wet, then everybody knows that steroids and cortisol suppress the immune system; it’s a fundamental aspect of life is a fundamental aspect of physiology. Just like, how do you know that you need more oxygen? Well, because without oxygen, we die. Okay, so put anything that restricts your oxygen flow is going to cause a problem. And again, all of the things that I’m talking about, you know, like the polypropylene components of the mask and all these different things that I’m giving you and to empower you with information. So, you know what’s happening? That’s all assuming that it was a benefit conferred by The Mask. It’s not; the pores are so big compared to the particles they’re trying to keep out. You know, as I’ve said before, it’s like building a chain-link fence and trying to keep dust particles out; it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. It just simply doesn’t work. And then people trying to say, well, you know, for the particulate matter, and from breathing aspect, guys, you’re increasing your susceptibility when you wear a mask to every pathogen that’s out there, virus bacteria, Sparkles, mycoplasma least, fungi parasites, whatever you are, increasing your susceptibility. When you wear a mass, you are stressing your body out, you making your body weaker. You are hypoxic; you are more susceptible, more vulnerable to any pathogen, okay? And any person, any person who challenges that because they are doctors arguing with it, besides just being idiots and being large, you’ve already compromised your integrity. How do you sleep at night, okay? It just takes a nap; you don’t have to be a doctor. If it takes an average person, put on a freaking mask and put on an oximeter pulse oximeter. And you see your oxygen levels drop, especially if you have a restrictive Airway issue. And you’ll see it drop within a minute or two. So what I’ve found is that they are a lot of sheep, but I’ve also found that there are many people, a lot of people that are positions of authority that have completed either. Never had any Integrity or have lost their integrity. I mean, even to the point where I’ve had a couple of people try to attack my credentials, like demanding that. I prove that I’m a physician. What do you think? I like, I become a physician, and I do what I’ve been doing for 20. You’re so I can prove to you that I’m a physician. Are you that stupid? No, I’m not here to prove anything to anybody with half a brain, not even a full brain. Just half of a brain knows that they can Google my name on the medical board sites. And every state has its medical licensing boards. And every doctor, every single doctor, can easily be searched on the internet to find their credentials. See, so to the licensing and such. So that’s the most absurd thing. It’s again, creating Havoc trying to create Havoc, they’re getting in, they see, you know, 30,000 40,000 views, Use of a post that’s made or a hundred thousand views or 200,000 views of a video or whatever the cases. And so they want to create discourse, want to create doubt, and want to create fear, so they try to go in there and see this, and these are paid people to share if you want to debate me. And I’ve already said, if you’re a doctor, you can prove that you’re a doctor. And you wanted to make me public. I’ll be happy to embarrass you publicly. No problem. Just voice it? No, the doctor has taken me on to that has a Counterpoint, will talk with me. They won’t talk to me about vaccines. They won’t talk to me about the face mask issue. They won’t talk to me about anything. So people have been asking me about this. What can I do? What you can do is anything to start? Talking, start moving, do something okay, be outspoken about it, don’t wear them for in face mask, you know, talk to you Sheriff, talk to your friends, talk to your family, talk to you or whoever it is Empower. People Help, educate your kids, get your kids out of the state of fear. This is ridiculous. What we are doing to our next generation. Yeah, the pandemic may be gone another six months or a year or two years, and hopefully, when this all this garbage behind this but the trauma, this is created in children. That could be for a lifetime. Be careful of who you’re listening to challenge me, guys. Don’t just take my word for it. If what I’m seeing does not appeal to your intellect. If it doesn’t resonate with you, hey then go where the face mask. I’ve never said anybody shouldn’t wear the face mask. They don’t want to wear the face. If you want to wear the face mask, all the power to you doesn’t expect me to wear it, and don’t impose your idiocy on other people. That’s my whole; my whole thing’s always been the same thing. It’s a freedom of choice and the people that are wearing a face mask. They want to impose their stupidity on other people by A face mask. And that’s not going to happen. Okay? Freedom means freedom. Freedom to do whatever you want. Do you want to take a vaccine? Go up. Hey, all the power to you go. Take it, just don’t make sure that you’re going to come towards me with that vaccine. Okay, that’s what freedom means. But when these people that are talking about, oh, you know, how can you be so inconsiderate, how can you be so selfish? How can you not care about people? What was your walking around without a face mask? So you haven’t had your vaccine, so you make me susceptible. Wait a second. Let’s start using our brains. God gave Everyone of us is a brain. If you believe the vaccine will protect you and you’ve taken it, what the hell are you worried about me? Taking a vaccine? If you believe that the face mask is going to save you and protect you? Then, what do you care about whether I’m wearing a face mask or not? Only an idiot would say, hey, I’m wearing this thing that will help and save me and protect me. You should be doing the same, but you know what? Because you’re not doing it, you are responsible. Where’s the logic in that? I think that’s a classification of dumbass, and, and I don’t know how else to say it. Because it’s just, it’s just pure idiocy. So, for those out there that are helping others to become empowered, I appreciate your efforts in helping make the change. The world’s waiting for, in the more of us that become aware and understand, and share this information, the stronger I voice to remember, there’s only a few thousand out there that are trying to control this narrative, and they’re losing ground so fast and so bad. And that’s the reason that they’re trying to up this antique.